New; MixingHub Community!

MixingHub Community

Everyday we are posting (at least) one new Remix Competition at our HUB!
We did post over 330 new opportunities.
People from all over the world are visiting our HUB (> 120 countries!).
Weekly; hundreds of producers/DJs/Music Lovers are going through our listing of open Remix Contests!
Lots of people who would love to get in contact with other people who have the same passion; bring color to an existing song!
What else would you call REMIXING?

So we figured; give them a way to talk with each other – discuss the latest remix competitions – show their favourite gear/software and share free samples/stems/plugins etc etc

Claim your Producer/DJ Name!
Join our Community!

  • make friends
  • join groups
  • private chats
  • post and promote your soundcloud songs
  • share your YouTube video
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