12 Dec Agency Remix Competition; All I see is you (millions)

Agency Remix Competition; All I see is you (millions)
AGENCY has requested to remain shrouded in mystery.
You will learn more through the stories presented in song. We cover the human experience… a wealth of material shedding light on our loves, our regrets, our hopes, and our fears. We are just two humans who shed our tears through instruments and occasional shouts for joy.
We are not defined by our bodies or what we like to eat or what kinds of pets we have at home. Or the places we travel. We are defined by song.
Now AGENCY want you to remix “All I See Is You (Millions)”. Take these soulful and catchy stems and show us what you’ve got!
Creative Brief
AGENCY is looking for remixes of their new song “All I See Is You (Millions)”.
You must use at least one of the provided audio samples to be eligible.
Do not include any material that you do not have the legal right to exploit.
More votes will not make your submission more likely to win the Grand Prize.
The judge(s) will be picking the winner based on musicality.
1 Grand Prize Winner
- A promotional release through AGENCY’s website
- Feature on all of AGENCY’s social properties
- Royalties from any licensing placements
- Pro Status on Indaba Music
3 Popular Vote Winners
- Pro Status on Indaba Music
SUBMISSIONS DUE; Jan 4, 2017 – 9:00 PM
Link to ORIGINAL Remix Contest; Agency Remix Competition; All I see is you (millions)
Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!
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