04 Mar Atmomatix RMX Competition
Atmomatix RMX Competition
2 Years Atmomatix Records – RMX Competition
HumaNature – Routine Work
Hey everyone!
Atmomatix Records became 2 years this month and to celebrate that we give you the opportunity to remix one of our forthcoming releases done by HumaNature
The 2 best remixes will be picked by us and HumaNature himself!
We only allow drum’n’bass remixes so keep that in mind when you submit your entry!
And there’s also a one entry per person so when uploading your track,be sure that’s the final version you want us to hear and only finished versions are accepted!
The full stems of the track you’ll find in the link below.If you have any problems with downloading the stems,please feel free to contact us @ atmomatixrecords@hotmail.com
The 1st winning entry will have his remix released,get the whole back catalogue and future releases send to them and receive a Soundcloud Pro account for a year!Runner up will also have his track released and get the back catalogue and the future releases.
1# Remixes must be uploaded to this group by the 1st of April 2016 with download disabled!All entries must be received by midnight on the closing date. Those not received by the deadline will be disqualified and all entries must be submitted via this Atmomatix Records Remix Group and hashtag it with #RoutineWork
2# If you enable downloads of your remix or distribute it in any way prior to the close of the competition you will automatically be disqualified from winning.
3# You may use your own sounds but you must have the rights to all other material used in your entry.
4# Use our logo when you upload the track.
5# All remixes completed, whether submitted in this competition or not, remain the property of Atmomatix Records. No exploitation, or distribution of remixes shall be permitted without the sole written consent of Atmomatix Records.
6# Please do not submit unfinished tracks or ‘works in progress’. These will be automatically disqualified.
Good luck to everyone and let the games begin!!
Link Remix Contest; Atmomatix RMX Competition – HumaNature
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