11 Feb Beatport Play Remix Contest; Frankyeffe – Crazy Man
Beatport Play Remix Contest; Frankyeffe – Crazy Man
Frankyeffe is an Italian-born DJ/producer who is certainly on-the-rise in the international dance scene.
His sound has been described as a fine mix between shocking techno and melodic tracks.
From his early career as a resident DJ at Rashomon, he went on to release a string of well-received EPs, such as Riot (Analytic Trail), Conciousness/Neaps (Truesoul), and Twister (Phobiq,) to name only a few.
Frankyeffe also has some vital friends and connections in the community such as Sven Vath, Adam Beyer, Alan Fitzpatrick, and The Advent. These connections helped in huge ways when he started his own label, Riot Recordings.
Frankyeffe says the freedom that his label affords him is what he’s always sought after: “I wanted to feel free to express myself how and when I please, my label will be the space I was looking for since long time [sic].”
He also strives to make his label about finding new talent, rather than catering to existing names. And now you can get a shot at becoming Riot Record’s newest artist by taking Frankyeffe’s hit, Crazy Man, and remixing it into something that shakes dancefloors to splinters.
Frankyeffe – Crazy Man
In addition to your own release, you could also win a pair of Sennheiser HD6s, a Bloq vintage synth and drum machine virtual instrument, and more. Be sure to enter before the deadline on 3/7/16.
Play on!
Link to Remix Page; Beatport Play Remix Contest – Frankyeffe – Crazy Man
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