13 May Daughter of Lucifer Remix Competition

Daughter of Lucifer Remix Competition
Remix Daughter of Lucifer for a chance to win a Lewitt LCT 240 PRO condenser mic and a signed distortion unit hand built by Saint Agnes.
How to submit your entry:
Fill out your details below to get the files, make your remix in any style you want, then upload to youtube/soundcloud/mixcloud etc. Make sure you hashtag it with #saintagnesremix and use the artwork provided in the download.
Remixes can also be e-mailed to mgmt@wearesaintagnes.com
Entry closes on 30.6.2020 and winners will be notified by e-mail by 7.7.2020. Judging will be done by the band themselves. Art is subjective and there are no rules, go noisey, go pop, make us dance or freak us out. We’ll know quality when we hear it.
1st Prize
Lewitt LCT 240 PRO condenser mic.
Custom distortion unit hand built by Saint Agnes bassist Ben Chernitsky.
Remix featured on the band’s website and social media.
Signed A3 Daughter of Lucifer art print
Saint Agnes t-shirt.
2nd & 3rd Prize
Signed A3 Daughter of Lucifer art print
Saint Agnes t-shirt.
We’d like to thank Lewitt who have donated this mic to support our competition and have been incredible supporters of Saint Agnes, live and in the studio.
Link to ORIGINAL Remix Contest; Daughter of Lucifer Remix Competition
Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!
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