Gayle San Remix Contest

Gayle San Remix Contest

Our sixth remix contest is up!

We have partnered with Bitwig to bring you our sixth remix contest, with over 500€ worth of prizes!
Look at the prizes, read the rules, download the samples and start remixing none less than the legend of the ladies of techno: Gayle San.


Submission ends on march 1st, 2016. Hurry up!

Powered by Bitwig Studio:

Besides signing the winning remix to Different Is Different Records, the 1st place winner will receive a full license of Bitwig Studio, a USD 299.99 / EUR 299.00 value!
Up to five runners up will be awarded with Bitwig’s 8-Track, their lite version
More prizes are to be announced as the contest develops!
Record and arrange, improvise and perform, or do it all at once. Choose between several display profiles. Design your own sounds with dedicated container devices. Combine built-in instruments, effects, and VST plug-ins. Bitwig Studio´s unified mapping system allows you to modulate any device or VST parameter using macro controls and modulator devices.

Explore a new world of creative possibilities, including audio and note expressions, histogram-based value editing, layered editing, extensive bounce-in-place functions, automatic slicing, smart controller integration, and the Open Controller Scripting API. Every feature in Bitwig Studio was developed by musicians, for musicians. Welcome to the next generation of music creation and performance software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.


Download sample pack
Upon finishing your remix, upload it to your Soundcloud account, and add to this group
Post your remix to our wall at Different Is Different Records Facebook Page

Read The Rules:

  • Remix style must be techno, and TECHNO only. Please listen first to our releases so you get an idea of our sound.
  • Your remix must contain at least ONE recognizable part of the original.
  • You must submit your remix to SounCloud
  • Use this image when uploading your remix to Soundcloud
  • Post your remix to our Facebook Page, so everyone can listen and comment
  • You can submit more than one remix if you like


Please send a mastered copy of your track on 16bit / 44 kHz lossless .wav or .aiff format. If you win, we will need it from you!
Keep an unmastered copy in 24bit / 44 kHz lossless .wav or .aiff format, with enough headroom (-6dB) for us to master
Never send work in progress or unfinished remixes – Remix parts are copyright of Different Is Different Records, that means, they can only be used for this contest only.

The Schedule:

Remix competition begins wednesday february 9th 2016
Submissions will be closed on march 1st 2016
Winner will be announced on march the 1st

Link to Remix Contest; Gayle San Remix Contest – Different is Different Records

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