Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) Remix Contest

Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) Remix Contest

Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) Remix Contest

Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) Remix Contest

Jordan Rudess and Mahesh Raghvan are proud to announce their first East meets West collaborative release, Light Becomes Day featuring Mohini Dey and B.C. Manjunath. Light Becomes Day is a powerful blend of Eastern Carnatic music meets progressive rock. It was created by an amazing collection of international musicians and features the cutting edge sounds from Jordan Rudess’s own GeoShred instrument for iOS.

This pulsating and rhythmic collaboration is a super group of artists showcasing various talents. From incredible vocal pecussion in Konokol, performed by from B.C. Manjunath, to the tight driving bass played by Mohini Dey, along with the fiery melodic dual performance by Jordan Rudess and Mahesh Raghvan powered by GeoShred.

Now Jordan Rudess and Mahesh Raghvan want to open up their collaboration to the Blend community by sharing the stems to “Light Becomes Day” so you can create your own remix!

Here is how to get involved:

  • Pull Jordan’s Stem Project Light Becomes Day
  • Create your remix in your DAW of choice
  • Publish your update by November 20th to have your remix be submittedAnd that’s it!

Jordan and the team will check out all of the remixes submitted by November 20th, and announce 3 winners to be receive prizes Wizdom Music, ROLI and Lucid Samples.

First place getting GeoShread Pro by Wizdom Music, Equatorand PERCUSSION XXL PACK from Lucid Samples. Second place will recive ROLI’s Equator, and third place will recieve Geoshread Pro. Light Becomes Day is out today on Blend label for free! Are you ready to collaborate with these all-stars? Let’s start remixing!

Link to ORIGINAL Remix Contest; Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) Remix Contest

Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!

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