09 Jun Lockyn Remix Contest
Lockyn Remix Contest
Here’s the track: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlttsin4qVk
Soundcloud group link (JOIN THIS IF YOU WANT TO REMIX): https://soundcloud.com/groups/aqua-re…
Full description below and in Soundcloud group description!
Thought I’d try this out as a fun thing for everyone involved and give some stuff out at the same time. Here’s to hoping this goes as planned – I will learn from this for next time (ooh)! So basically, download the stem pack and have a go at remixing my track Aqua. No genre limit or anything of that sort. Rules listed below along with how the winners will be determined and the prizes. Join this group if you are interested in remixing it, you can start at any time as long as you finish and post before the deadline. Post your track here when you are finished!
DEADLINE: July 4th, 2016 12:00 AM PST
GRAND PRIZE (quantity 2, determined as shown at the bottom):
1) Custom Sytrus preset pack handcrafted by Lockyn (you’ll be the only ones to have it!)
2) Featured on Aqua: The Remixes LP!
3) 1-hour Skype production session, ask me anything you want and I’ll try my best to help you with your production!
RUNNER-UP PRIZE (quantity 8):
1) Featured on Aqua: The Remixes LP!
DOWNLOAD STEMS: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jn7…
1. One submission per person.
2. Collaborations are allowed, but keep it between two people.
3. Recognizable as an Aqua remix (e.g. you used at least one provided stem in some way. I’m fair, use your own judgement reasonably, I get that remixes can sound very like the original or not at all, depends on how creatively you do what you plan to do!)
4. Submit before the deadline.
5. One-time submission only – whatever you post is final, so make sure you are satisfied with your work when you post it!
6. The submitter has to be the one who actually worked on the track, no track commissions to sing over or ghost productions etc.
7. Post your track from the account you joined this group with. Don’t multiple post!
8. Have fun 🙂
Two (2) winners will be determined as follows:
1) Lockyn’s Choice – picked by me after the deadline!
2) Crowd Favorite – the submission with the most favorites + reposts (totaled by adding the two values together).
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that I will be compiling a select 10 tracks to be featured on Aqua: The Remixes LP! The winning tracks along with all the runner ups will make up the 10. If more than 30 people enter, I will increase the number of winners to 3. Also, for those who were wondering, Detious is not competing – he will be helping me judge the entries 🙂 Cheers!
Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not use bots or anything of that sort to increase your favorites/reposts or play count. It will be very obvious I promise you. However, feel free to ask your friends and fans to check out your remix to support you!
I hope this goes well. Here’s to hearing some awesome remixes. Cheers!
Link to Remix Contest; YouTube – Lockyn Remix Contest!
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