30 May Nightmares and Neon Remix Contest

Nightmares and Neon Remix Contest
-The winning submission will be released on iTunes, BandCamp and Spotify and you will be credited as the remix artist in the title (remix by “your artist name here”).
-The winner will get $50 worth of Bitcoin (per market price on July 1st, 2019), an advanced copy of the upcoming Nightmares and Neon EP (once it’s done), and a Nightmares and Neon T-shirt.
-All submissions must be delivered by July 1st, 2019.
-All tracks must be delivered as 16 bit, 44.1 kHz mastered .wav files to info@nightmaresandneon.com
By entering the Nightmares and Neon remix competition you will automatically waive any claim to the master rights of tracks containing any parts of the self-titled single ‘Nightmares and Neon’. Any remixes created with ‘Nightmares and Neon’ stems will be 100% owned by Nightmares and Neon only. You will be credited as the remix artist in the title if the track is released or used anywhere that the title of the song is displayed.
Link to ORIGINAL Remix Contest; Nightmares and Neon Remix Contest
Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!
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