Red Bull 3Style “Live Remix” contest

Red Bull 3Style “Live Remix” contest

Red Bull 3Style “Live Remix” contest

Red Bull 3Style “Live Remix” contest

In celebration of VIII World Champion Damianito’s new remix EP “Sounds of Red Bull – On a Roll (Remix by Damianito)”, Red Bull 3Style invites you to “Play With Music” for a chance to attend the World Finals with Damianito at the Red Bull 3Style World Championships in Moscow, Russia.

Download the original track and the stems, remix it, share it on the social media with #PlayWithMusic and send it to us via the entry-form below. The winner will be selected by Damianito. Be creative, be original and don’t forget to play with music.

The entry phase starts on February 19th until March 8th.

For your chance to win this once-in-a-lifetime experience, simply follow the instructions below.

How to enter:

Download the track;

Create a remix and film your routine;
Complete the entry-form and submit your routine;
The winner will be announced on March 23rd on the Red Bull 3Style website;
The winner will fly to the Red Bull 3Style World Championships in Moscow, Russia on April 26th to 28th, to see the grand finale and meet Damianito

Link to ORIGINAL Remix Contest; Red Bull 3Style “Live Remix” contest

Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!

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