26 May Remix Contest Insider Records
Remix Contest Insider Records
The remix contest for “Regrets” by @felixschuelke is now open.
- The remix has to be a full length song.
- Don’t use bass loops from vengeance packs
- Everything has to be self made
- Deadline: 30th June 2016
- Send the remixed track to: xpression.officialremixes@gmail.com or to www.soundcloud.com/xpressionsounds
1st Prize: Insider release and a feature on The Faceless EP remixed, custom artwork, a serum pack, and a collaboration with Xpression.
2nd Prize: Massive preset pack, Serum preset pack, and possible collaboration with Xpression.
3rd Prize: Preset pack and a possible collaboration.
Link to Remix Contest; Insider Records
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