09 Feb Remix Contest; System 6 Invisible Enemies

Remix Contest; System 6 Invisible Enemies
All files are free to download and remix. By downloading and/or submitting remix files/songs your are agreeing to the following….
All remixes, stems, and otherwise are property of System 6 and Blake Attebury. We reserve the rights at any time to reuse or refuse remix work. NO MONETARY EXCHANGES WILL BE MADE THROUGH ROYALTIES OR OTHERWISE unless it has been specifically and previously agreed upon, with the exception of the contest winner receiving $100 one time as a flat fee.
Even if you do not win the contest, your remix may still be used online, through distribution channels such as but not limited to Spotify, Apple Music, etc. By submitting any finished work you are agreeing to System 6 using your mix/remix in any way the choose, with no promise of any financial compensations. You are also agreeing that all samples and sounds are yours and you have the rights to use them. Should you infrenge on any copyrights, you will be held liable financially or otherwise.
All remixes must be submitted by way or Dropbox or Google drive via the contact form on System6music.com.
You are free to play your completed remix publicly without permission from either Blake Attebury or System 6. However, you may not distribute your remix through social media, physical merchandise, or any other means without express, written, consent from System 6 or Blake Attebury.
Finally….Be creative. Have fun. Destroy these songs and put them back together again. There are no guidelines artistically, there are no rules. All styles welcome.
The final collection of these remixes will be sold in both physical form and distributed online. Please Tag your remix the song title , any alternate song title names you’d like to submit for further consideration, and your name or how you’d like to be recognized.
See this example below with the song name, the remix title, the individual name, and the band name.
YAEYH (Extreme filth remix) – John doe/Killing dinosaurs
All remixes should be submitted as WAV. No exceptions.
If you agree to these terms, please click below to access all remix stems and files.
End date; 15th of March 2020
Clarification : The ONLY reason we would ask you not to use your remix is if it doesn’t fit our vision or is very poor in quality. In 99% of cases, we are happy to sign off on you using it digitally or otherwise, including allowing you to showcase and monetize your work. The only reason this stipulation exists is to ensure that there are not poor quality, possibly embarrassing remixes floating around without our stamp of approval. We have every intention of giving you 100% access to resale and distribution of this single as long as you grant us the same and it meets our quality and standards.
Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!
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