13 Apr Remix Wve – Hard Bitch

Remix Wve – Hard Bitch
Only ready remixes are accepted in the form of full, final version and mp3 / 320kbps / 44100Hz / stereo file;
• Winners must submit a WAV / 44100Hz / stereo / 24bit file and exclusive rights to use the remix;
• The final version of the remix should have the name Wve – Hard Bitch (the name of the author Remix);
• Do not prohibit the download of a remix;
• One author does not accept more than 2 remixes, any demo versions or fragments of compositions will not be considered;
• Samples and other material used in the work must not infringe copyright or third-party rights;
• All contestants agree with its terms and grant exclusive rights to any use of the competitive remix.
Must be aged 18 or older or have parent’s permission.
Track submissions MUST NOT BE DOWNLOADABLE or they will be disqualified.
Participant hereby grants to sponsor an irrevocable, fully-paid,
perpetual world-wide license to reproduce, edit, adapt, copyright, publish,
transfer, distribute, perform, display and use any or all of the entries,
without compensation to you or any third party.
All genres accepted. Open to entrants worldwide.
Completed remixes are owned by the artist/label.
Remix acapella: On Promodj
Link : promodj.com/djwve/acapellas/69…
How to Submit:
Send your remix on info@wve-av.ca with the mention Remix Contest
Contact Organizer:
You can contact the organizers through info@wve-av.ca
5 grand prize winner gets their remix released on Hard Bitch EP in an exclusive remix release.
Prize 1st place gets $50 Canadian (Paypal) and Remix released on “Remixes EP”
2nd place gets $25 Canadian (Paypal) and remix released on “Remixes EP”
3-4-5 place gets remix released on “Remixes EP”
Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!
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