06 Mar TADENTA – ME & YOU | REMIX CONTEST Evolve Records
Price: The winner(s) will be featured on the worldwide release of the single and get the chance to release own singles worldwide on Evolve Records.
Deadline: 01/04/2016
Conditions: Open worldwide to entrants who are aged 13 or older (non adults need to have parental permission). Remixes can be posted publicly online, download must be disabled. Remixes can’t be distributed for sale without the permission of Evolve Records. When the contest has ended, you’re allowed to publish your remix on social media or music platforms non-commercial / free. Commercial use or distribution of your remix is prohibited and requires the permission of Evolve Records.
Genre: No genre limitations. Submit the best quality you can deliver.
Additional Notes: Please do not edit the cover artwork file.
How to submit a remix: Upload your remix to your SoundCloud account & disable download. Visit the contest group which can be found on www.evolverecordings.com/remix-contests. Click „Select a track from your profile“. Select your remix. Wait for approval. All submitted remix need to be approved by us before they appear within the contest group. Your remix will appear in the remix competition group after the approval to avoid spam. This process can take up to a couple of days.
Link to Remix Contest; TADENTA – ME & YOU | REMIX CONTEST Evolve Records
(contest requires to make a Twitter or Facebook post)
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