King Kong Company Remix Competition

Taking 1K from KKC – King Kong Company Remix Competition


Taking 1K from KKC – King Kong Company Remix Challenge

Over the last few months a few people have asked if we’d be making any of our tracks available for remixing. The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Rather than just sending a few folks some stems, we thought we’d make things a little more interesting and have some fun while we’re at it. We’ve decided to give the best mix we hear €1,000.

Fuck it, we’d rather give it to you than the taxman.

Here’s the plan… The stems from two of our tracks are available below to piece together any way you want, and send us the results. If we like what we hear, we’ll give you one thousand quid. Yes boy!

How To Enter King Kong Company Remix Competition;

  • Download the stems for one or both tracks
    Game Over stems
    iPop stems
  • Create your mix of one or both of the tracks
  • Post it somewhere online (eg. Soundcloud, Mixcloud, YouTube)
  • Email us a link to the track at
  • Closing date is midnight on Jan 1st 2017
  • Please read the full terms and conditions here
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for updates
  • Listen to the original tracks on SpotifyWhat happens next?

All eleven members of the King Kong Crew are going to have their say in this thing and our social media followers will cast the twelfth vote. This will probably involve us having a family row, making difficult decisions usually does.

Getting a mix to a standard that impresses the King Kong Massive isn’t going to be easy, this isn’t like buying a raffle ticket for a tin of USA Biscuits, you’ll need some skills, so we’re not expecting a lot of people to throw their hat into the ring, but we are expecting a few and we’re excited to hear what will happen. If you know somebody who might be able for this, make sure to let them know (and ask them for a cut of the cash).

Over the coming weeks we’ll be posting some of the best mixes on our social media channels. We’re looking forward to finding someone to take 1K from KKC.

Have Fun and Good Luck!

Link to ORIGINAL Remix Contest; Taking 1K from KKC – King Kong Company 

Feel free to promote your remix via the comments! But please remember; only post related comments!

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